Before you use this site on your school computer here are some ways to bypass
the school filter if this site gets blocked
First way to bypass the filter which is the easiest is by turning off your school wifi
then turning it back on this should unblock any site (make sure to turn the internet off when your in the site and turn it on while on the site
Second way to bypass the filter is by using a phone hotspot or a vpn service
reason why this works is because the server is in a different country or state
which changes the traffic to the server rather than the school server
Final way to bypass the filter(gonna find more ways to bypass) and this is the hardest for people who dont code.
First, make a folder and name it whatever you want.
After doing that go to your notes or go to and just save the file in your folder.
after doing that put this code into your file click for virus (just the code)
after doing that, do ctrl s to save it and double click your file and it should work.